Sunday 4 November 2012


If there's one constant in this world, it's that change is inevitable.

Once again, this is a post that I write the night before an exam (in this case, microbiology practicals.. I really should read up for the oral exam in the morning, but I just needed to write, and here I am!)

Change can be forced on you. In my life, 2010 was a year filled with it: change in education system, change in address, change in lifestyle and other changes. I welcomed those changes because, well, I didn't have much choice in them, but either I loved the change, or I grew to like them. It was either part of a package, or separate from the rest.

Change can be unexpected. Every year, for as long as I can remember, we used to be with our grandparents and other relatives during the summer holidays, but after years of pestering my father, we got to spend 20 days touring Europe. It was essentially a dream come true. I would wake up each day thinking I was still dreaming, and I loved ever minute of it. The beauty that lies in the European terrain can never be replicated (this is inclusive of the cities and the men :P). Summer 2011 was one that I will cherish for the rest of my life. I hope that some day, I can go back there, and stay in each city for longer than a day. They hold so much history and mystery, it's no wonder people love to visit Europe so much!

Change can be painful. Not being able to spend the traditional festivals with the family, not being able to keep in touch with friends because of time zone differences and not being able to have just that one person you were able to talk to so easily a year ago are painful, but these are things that help us grow stronger, or help us learn to put on a brave face. Some things can be ameliorated. I began to use Whatsapp messenger, so keeping in touch with my physics major best friend became easier, or at least it became a little more frequent, and sometimes, you just need to be by yourself to figure out those people that are always going to be by your side no matter what. It took someone walking out (for a still unknown reason) of my life for me to realise that family and those who look to you as family are the people that will always be there for you.

But change is unavoidable. It's what makes the world go round. It's what keeps time moving, and makes us grow up. It makes us face reality, and helps us deal with the troubles that life throws at us. There is some comfort in looking back at the fun times that have been there, but the road ahead never goes away, and sadly, we can't walk backwards on that road. So no matter what, I shall keep my head up high, walk tall, and get through all that life has to offer, because no matter what changes, the one thing I will try not to change is that I can face life looking it in the eye.

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