Saturday 17 July 2010

And the countdown begins...

Wow...five days 'til I'm off to The Motherland, and 2 weeks 'til Uni....
And what have I been up to so far? Well, when I first thought about the summer before college, I pictured myself reading loads of books (sorry Friend Who Gave Me a List of Books I Have to Read :'( ), watching the list of movies that I compiled over the months of school (well, I kinda did watch some of 'City of Angels'. Its a beautiful movie) and meeting up with friends everyday.

This is how my summer turned out.
Sitting in front of the laptop almost all day, getting yelled at for being on the laptop all day, watching CSI:NY, listening to Coldplay, watching Naley (Nathan/ Haley) clips on Youtube. (One Tree Hill followers, you know what I'm talking about. And the one reason I love those clips? Nathan Scott is the perfect man for me.) As for meeting up with friends...well, I've only met my school friends a couple of times, and my neighbourhood friends, well, we had 2 sleepovers, went for a movie, and met up quite a few times. (Then again, this was before each of them started to go on holiday/ leave for uni.)

I guess life just never works out the way you want it, unless you work your head off to make sure it does. There are so many things that I would want to have done better in my years at school, but maybe, its the way life's supposed to be. Take it as it is, and remember the best bits about it. My years at school are some of the most unforgettable moments of my life, and the people I've met there, they've changed my life. They're irreplaceable. Years from now, I'll meet someone on the street, and if they possess a quirky habit, like chewing gum like a cow chews cud, I'll be able to point at that person and say 'HEY!!! That's just like ''Guitar Hero''! :D '

I'll miss school terribly, but I know that I'm not the only one in this position, and if we try our hardest, we'll keep in touch, and go back down memory lane when we meet up again in December, and maybe, create more memories with the Class of '10.

Love you all, Sen10rs :D

*Names in this article have been subject to change


  1. We all feel this way when school ends, but there will be many more unforgettable people and moments. School life is fresh in the head, though.

    All the best to you in your college.


  2. Thank you Priyamvada!

    I hope all is well at your end.

    College life (even though its only been a week) is really great! Its a fresh change to the monotonous 12 years of school that was there.

    Thank you for your wishes :) :D
