Sunday 20 November 2011

Time heals all wounds

It's been over a year since I've made a post on this blog. During this time, a lot has happened. I got involved in college drama (not the staged kind sadly, but the high school type), passed my first year exams (Thank you God!), had an awesome summer in Europe ( I'll try to write about that sometime), started interacting with patients and observing surgeries, got to know my seniors better, got involved in more drama which made me realize a lot about people and their expectations from others, and now, my first set of second year exams are approaching.

The thing about time is that it changes a lot of things without you even realizing it. This time last year, I was eagerly waiting to go back home after 6 months of college, I had a huge group of friends that went about doing what they wished (source if drama at the time), and I was a lot more innocent. Time matures you, teaches you life lessons, differentiates the things you need from the things you want, and heals all wounds.

The sad part is that the things you look forward to, sometimes, are never as great as you thought it to be. In that sense, time gives you perspective.

Timing is some of God's miracles. You've been hoping for something to happen yet it never took place when you wanted it to. You didn't give up hope, you just didn't think about it as much. It happened when you least expected it, and you are all the more happier for it, for had it happened when you wanted it to, it may not have worked out so well.
"Good things come to those who wait."

Although I said that things may not be as great if you keep anticipating, some things won't change no matter how much you anticipate for them to happen, like a meteor shower (never seen one, but would love to!).
My list of things to look forward to, apart from exams: (In no particular order)
1. Going back home.
2. Becoming an Aunt in less than a month!
3. Eating my mother's amazing food!
4. Reading novels rather than Robbins (Pathology textbook)
5. The cold environment as opposed to the heat here.
6. The peaceful Saturday morning chants that take place at home.
7. Annoying my sister. (Some things never change)
8. Seeing most of my old friends again.
9. Spending time with the 'rents.
I should start writing on here more often.. Writing was never one of my strongest traits, but it's a wonderful stress reliever. One more thing I have learnt with time. :)