Sunday 8 August 2010


Well, here I am in Medical school. Its been a week since classes have started.

This is what my routine has been for the week:
Get up, take a shower (even in the cold water..sometimes the heater isn't switched on), brush teeth, get dressed, wear lab coat and name tag, make sure the classmate down the hall is ready, go to breakfast, eat, walk to the lecture hall, try not to doze off in the lecture, take down notes, walk to the lab (for the day), do the practical, have lunch, walk to the dissection hall, observe the parts in the cadaver and walk back to the room. Then, study a bit, talk to classmates in dorm, eat, read a bit, and sleep.

This is a complete change to how my routine used to be. In my school routine, mum, dad and sister would be present.

Its a fresh change, and something that I think I needed after all those years.

I hear so many of my classmates say that they're homesick and that they miss their friends, but I haven't missed my parents and friends much....not yet at least. I guess its because I know that I will always try to be in touch with them, no matter what. So my homesickness is channeled through phone calls (which is getting expensive :S ) and after today, Skype, Facebook, and Messenger.

Right, back to my anatomy book, and notes. (you'd think they'd be nice to freshers on the first week, but I guess its medicine, no breaks if you want to save lives.)