Thursday 17 June 2010


In the years prior to my senior year at highschool, yearbooks didn't really hold that many memories for me. Sure, there were the class photos and stuff, but I'd always come back next year, see the same faces again and have fun like I did the previous year. Every year, the style and theme of the yearbook would vary. One year it would be a graffiti styled yearbook, the next it would be a time theme. This year, the yearbook committee (comprised of seniors mainly) took on a collage theme. So when you flip through some of the pages, you'd be able to find crazy pictures of your class, your friends and even yourself!

I never knew there was so much hard work put in to get the yearbook together. The committee had sent out mass Facebook messages to our grade to get our graduate profiles in, the photos we wanted, the timings for the individual photos, details on what we were allowed to write and what not to write and the maximum number of photos allowed on the profile per person...the list is endless. I started to wonder how their jobs would have been even more arduous had it not been for the Facebook group and the easy methods of communication we now have (MSN, cellphones, etc.) My partner in class was the head of the Yearbook committee and she'd always have a to-do list on her file. There was at least one item on the list related to the yearbook. I'm sure she's glad that its over, and that it was a success too.

After months of hard work and cooperation, the yearbook now is a beautiful compilation of memories from the academic year '09-'10. Great work, Yearbook Committee '09-'10!

This post is dedicated to the Yearbook Commitee, and the Class of '10 at ISC-DXB.

Tuesday 15 June 2010

'Tale as old as time...'

The old Disney movies are just the best. They hold equal amounts of love, fun, laughter, joy and tears. A beautiful princess, a charming prince, a malicious villain, catchy songs, and laughs all along the way. What a wonderful way to spend the weekends as a child.

During the large gaps between my exams, I was YouTubing all my favourite Disney movies. The Lion King still makes me cry. Colours of the Wind makes me want to jump out of my chair and run into the nearest rainforest. The Jungle Book helps me find the 'Bare Necessities of Life'.

Its really surprising how I outgrew watching all these movies. Lots of life's lessons were in those movies. Lots of nightmares too. E.g: Ursula the Sea-Witch. If there's one Disney villain I NEVER want to confront, its her. And Scar (only because he'll push me off a cliff). And Jafar (he's one creepy cookie). get my point.

Even the songs are so heartfelt, and timeless. Everyone knows 'Can you feel the love tonight' and 'So this is love'. My all time favourite is 'God help the outcasts' from The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Its such a selfless, and wonderful song. A song that holds great importance in today's world.

Old Disney movies are just awesome. Revisiting my childhood was never more enlightening.

Monday 14 June 2010

Hi! *wave*

I'm writing this late at night, the night before a Math exam. Perfect timing to start a blog. Blogs have always fascinated me. It gives a person the ability to speak their mind about anything and everything. And here's my starting point.

Dr. (To Be) basically is because this is the time I spend before I join medical school in the fall. Hopefully in time, the blog name will change as well. *fingers crossed* Absolutely anything written here is open for comment, and discussion.

*wave* bye! :)